(Bringing many into light,  that all may see)


The Blurb

God is the fountain of life; in His light, we see the light. (Psalm 36:9).

Beloved, there is an Eternal vision and plan of God. This vision is Him- self, embodied by Christ and expressed in the Church.

We can see the vision of God by the shining of the SPIRIT. We know the vision of God by His light. When the light of God comes, you re- ceive sight, and by that sight, you see deeper light!

In Ephesians 1:18, Paul (the Apostle) prayed for those in Ephesus that “their eyes of their understanding would be enlightened (PHOTIZO) that they might see. You-see”

Without the light, we cannot see a vision of God. When the light comes, the vision is here But if we do not have sight, we will still be unable to see. We need the revelation which gives us light and sight. The light issues from the Knowledge of God’s Word; the Holy Spirit has woven the ability to receive light within us. What is needed is the LIGHT so we can SEE…

PHOTIZO serves you with much LIGHT OF THE SPIRIT through teaching the unadulterated Word of His Grace.

GET READY TO ENJOY the richness of Christ

This compendium suits individual or family devotions, Bible Study groups, youth groups, and outreaches

Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah

About The Author

Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah, affectionately called Apostle Bennie, is a transgenerational leader and Sound Kingdom Expositor. He is the Lead Presbyter of Christ Commonwealth-Community, Global, and President of International Ministers of Christ (IMOC) para-church. With a mandate to influence the techno-pluralistic society with the intent of Christ, Apostle Bennie has been instrumental in transforming lives through his epoch life-transforming meetings.

Through various meetings such as the YOUNG MINISTERS SUMMIT (YMS), GLOBAL ICONS, COMMONWEALTH DEEPER LIFE SUMMIT (CDLS), SPECIAL MENTORSHIP AND EMPOWERMENT CONFLUENCE (SMEC), ONLINE MINISTRY SCHOOL, and monthly IMOC community meetings, Apostle Bennie has inspired, nurtured, equipped, and trained thousands of young people for ministry and global leadership. His rural and urban mission campaigns have seen the transformation of diverse villages and towns in Ghana, with many hearts turned unto righteousness. Over 5,000 saints have been inspired and equipped into Kingdom missions globally.

Apostle Bennie is an ensign of hope to many worldwide. He is the author of the famous Machaira with Apostle Bennie devotional, a daily treasure chest of rich eternal verities for believers’ enrichment and spiritual growth. His multifaceted graces, including sound prophetic-teaching and healing ministry, have established many in spiritual understanding and caused many to walk in the reigning life. Apostle Bennie is happily married to Pastor Selly Akosua Amissah Ansah and blessed with three lovely daughters: Jethra-Liel, Tiph’arah, and Liselle.


The teaching and writing ministry of Apostle Bennie has been phenomenal in moving us into new dimensions of insight. His writings have offered me comprehensive and cutting-edge truths hammering the shapes of fresh understanding. Indeed, a new vocabulary is rising in the Church as he captures the ancient frequencies of the building power of God and presents them within the modern contexts of our time.

Pst. Vincent Mensah 

(Director, The Edge, Ministry and Leadership School; Resident Pastor, Christ Commonwealth Global, Kumasi)

Apostle Bennie’s teachings and writings have profoundly enlightened me. His deep delivery of God’s word reflects his dedication to the study of the Word. Just as I grasp a refreshing epistle, he unveils deeper truths, elevating my understanding in another message. His recent teaching on the Heavenly Pattern was so much transformative.

Dr. Elvis Twumasi

Lecturer, KNUST

What got me connected to Apostle Bennie was the ministry of the Word and the Spirit through him.
The aura of his ministration always stirs in you the consciousness, effectiveness and excellence of ministry. You’re charged-up to go all out for Christ. God indeed has raised a man to impact life and light into many. Whether far or near, or through oral or scribal means, God has used Apostle Bennie to shape me strongly in many ministerial quarters. Apostle Bennies’ ministry impact on me is priceless and so evident.

Apostle Leslie Barnes

Associate Minister, Spirit Mandate

Connect with us


ACP Estate, Pokuase


social media


(Bringing many into light that all may see)



The Blurb

God is the fountain of life; in His light, we see the light. (Psalm 36:9).

Beloved, there is an Eternal vision and plan of God. This vision is Him- self, embodied by Christ and expressed in the Church.

We can see the vision of God by the shining of the SPIRIT. We know the vision of God by His light. When the light of God comes, you re- ceive sight, and by that sight, you see deeper light!

In Ephesians 1:18, Paul (the Apostle) prayed for those in Ephesus that “their eyes of their understanding would be enlightened (PHOTIZO) that they might see. You-see”

Without the light, we cannot see a vision of God. When the light comes, the vision is here But if we do not have sight, we will still be unable to see. We need the revelation which gives us light and sight. The light issues from the Knowledge of God’s Word; the Holy Spirit has woven the ability to receive light within us. What is needed is the LIGHT so we can SEE…

PHOTIZO serves you with much LIGHT OF THE SPIRIT through teaching the unadulterated Word of His Grace.

GET READY TO ENJOY the richness of Christ

This compendium suits individual or family devotions, Bible Study groups, youth groups, and outreaches

Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah

About The Author

Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah, affectionately called Apostle Bennie, is a transgenerational leader and Sound Kingdom Expositor. He is the Lead Presbyter of Christ Commonwealth-Community, Global, and President of International Ministers of Christ (IMOC) para-church. With a mandate to influence the techno-pluralistic society with the intent of Christ, Apostle Bennie has been instrumental in transforming lives through his epoch life-transforming meetings.

Through various meetings such as the YOUNG MINISTERS SUMMIT (YMS), GLOBAL ICONS, COMMONWEALTH DEEPER LIFE SUMMIT (CDLS), SPECIAL MENTORSHIP AND EMPOWERMENT CONFLUENCE (SMEC), ONLINE MINISTRY SCHOOL, and monthly IMOC community meetings, Apostle Bennie has inspired, nurtured, equipped, and trained thousands of young people for ministry and global leadership. His rural and urban mission campaigns have seen the transformation of diverse villages and towns in Ghana, with many hearts turned unto righteousness. Over 5,000 saints have been inspired and equipped into Kingdom missions globally.

Apostle Bennie is an ensign of hope to many worldwide. He is the author of the famous Machaira with Apostle Bennie devotional, a daily treasure chest of rich eternal verities for believers’ enrichment and spiritual growth. His multifaceted graces, including sound prophetic-teaching and healing ministry, have established many in spiritual understanding and caused many to walk in the reigning life. Apostle Bennie is happily married to Pastor Selly Akosua Amissah Ansah and blessed with three lovely daughters: Jethra-Liel, Tiph’arah, and Liselle.


The teaching and writing ministry of Apostle Bennie has been phenomenal in moving us into new dimensions of insight. His writings have offered me comprehensive and cutting-edge truths hammering the shapes of fresh understanding. Indeed, a new vocabulary is rising in the Church as he captures the ancient frequencies of the building power of God and presents them within the modern contexts of our time.

Pst Vincent Mensah

(Director, The Edge, Ministry and Leadership School; Resident Pastor, Christ Commonwealth Global, Kumasi)

Apostle Bennie’s teachings and writings have profoundly enlightened me. His deep delivery of God’s word reflects his dedication to the study of the Word. Just as I grasp a refreshing epistle, he unveils deeper truths, elevating my understanding in another message. His recent teaching on the Heavenly Pattern was so much transformative.

Dr Elvis Twumasi

Lecturer, KNUST

What got me connected to Apostle Bennie was the ministry of the Word and the Spirit through him.
The aura of his ministration always stirs in you the consciousness, effectiveness and excellence of ministry. You’re charged-up to go all out for Christ. God indeed has raised a man to impact life and light into many. Whether far or near, or through oral or scribal means, God has used Apostle Bennie to shape me strongly in many ministerial quarters. Apostle Bennies’ ministry impact on me is priceless and so evident.

Apostle Leslie Barnes

Associate Minister, Spirit Mandate

Connect with us


ACP Estate, Pokuase


social media